HONOLULU 2015 Prayer Preconference • Thu, Mar 19, 2015 • 9 am to 4 pm

A Mini Spiritual Retreat | Philip Chircop, S.J.

Barefoot on Holy Ground: Sacred Necessities for Passionate Living
BAREFOOT we are in direct contact with the earth that holds us and sustains us. During this all-day session and mini spiritual retreat, I hope we will be “mightily inspired,” exploring a few practices that can help us experience the “life in abundance” (John 10:10) that Jesus promises. Embracing these sacred necessities we will hopefully move from the surface of things into the dark cave of the heart where real transformation happens. This session is about paying attention to the traces of God’s compassion and mercy, the echoes of God’s love, the sparks of the divine that we are soaked in every moment of our lives. It is all about the art of WAKING UP.

Who should attend: anyone wanting to discover, rediscover, or deepen their relationship with God and find the sacred in everyday life.

Presenter: Philip Chircop, S.J.
Philip, a jesuit priest, is an internationally known retreat master and public speaker. He is a native of the Mediterranean island of Malta presently working in Toronto, Canada. He is an artist at heart and madly in love with all things beautiful and soulful: music, painting, sculpture, photography, film, theatre, poetry, good company, good food, good wine and more. He strongly believes that beauty is a uniquely wonderful entry into the mystery of the God “whose centre is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere.” God can indeed be sensed and experienced in all things if we have ears to hear and eyes to see, if we have the patience to have a long, loving look at the real that surrounds us.

Prior to coming to Toronto, Philip served as an associate pastor in a vibrant young parish on the Island of Malta, as a Prefect of Studies at the local Jesuit High school and as a chaplain at the State University of Malta. In Canada, Philip’s main ministry is in the field of spirituality. He travels widely to many countries to facilitate retreats, workshops and seminars on a variety of topics to a variety of groups from all walks of life. He is available for conferences, seminars, workshops and key-note addresses for churches, pastoral and parish councils, groups, religious congregations and businesses alike.

Click here to register
Registration deadline: March 9, 2015

HONOLULU Preconference sessions are part of the HONOLULU Conference, produced annually by Hawaiian Islands Ministries (HIM)Preconference sessions are not included in regular full-time HONOLULU Conference tickets and require separate registration.

For more information about the HONOLULU Conference or HIM visit us online at himonline.org

    It is more necessary to call on the name of God than breathe

    "The Apostle Paul says that we are to pray without ceasing
    and by this he means that man is to remember God
    at all times, in all places, and under all circumstances.

    If you are making something, you should remember the Creator of all things;
    if you see light, you should remember Him who gave it to you;
    if you see the heavens, the earth, and sea and all that is in them,
    you should marvel and praise God who called them all into being;
    if you are clothing yourself, remember the blessings of your Creator
    and praise Him for being concerned about your well-being.

    In short, every action of every day should cause you to remember and praise God,
    and if you do this, then you will be praying ceaselessly and your soul will always be joyful."

    The Way of a Pilgrim, pp 64
    translated by Helen Bacovcin, Image Books, 1978

    Get to know #HON2011 speaker Pete Greig: [video] How to Win in Prayer: Spiritual Warfare | Holy Trinity Brompton

    Pete Greig is the bewildered founder of 24-7Prayer, an international, interdenominational prayer, missions and justice movement that has touched more than 2 million people in 105 nations. He also heads up prayer for Holy Trinity Brompton Church in London, England, and serves as an associate lecturer at St. Paul’s Theological Centre. Pete and his wife Sammy are currently establishing a missional community in Guildford, near London, where they live with their two sons and Noodle the dog. Pete’s books include Red Moon Rising and God On Mute: Engaging the Silence of Unanswered Prayer. His many passions include mountains, music and bubble-wrap, he aspires to sail and despairs regularly over the woes of Portsmouth Football Club.

    HIM co-founders Dan and Pam first heard Pete speaking last summer at an Alpha Conference at Holy Trinity Brompton in London. Pete was good enough to subsequently answer our email and accept our invitation to spend 2 days flying halfway around the world for 3 days and another 2 days flying back to speak to believers and churches in the islands about the passionate call to pray.

    Pete will be speaking on these topics at HONOLULU 2011:
    • Worshiping When It’s Hard • General Session No. 2
    • Mobilizing Dynamic Prayer in the Local Church • Friday 3:30 pm
    • Creativity in Prayer and Worship • Saturday, 10:30 am

    Get the full scoop on HONOLULU 2011 at http://himonline.org/?page=con_hon