HONOLULU 2015 Pastors & Ministry Leaders Preconference • Thu, Mar 19, 2015 • 9 am to 4 pm

An Integrated Life: Seeking Wholeness in a Fractured World
This seminar for pastors & spouses will look at some of the divisions or splits that challenge many of us: internal vs. external; family vs. church/ministry; emotional vs. mental; person vs. role; confidence vs. humility; private vs. public. All of these areas of potential split make our lives, families, and ministries more difficult. How do we find integration that brings wholeness to ourselves, our families and those we serve?

Who should attend: church and ministry leaders and their spouses, pastors, church staff, full-time Christian workers, missionaries, staff serving in Christian organizations

Presenter: Mark Labberton
President of Fuller Theological Seminary, Mark was formerly Lloyd John Ogilvie associate professor of preaching and director of the Lloyd John Ogilvie Institute of Preaching at Fuller Seminary. He previously served 16 years as senior pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Berkeley, CA. He has spoken for the Presbyterian Church (USA), InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, the National Pastors Convention, International Justice Mission, and taught at New College Berkeley for Advanced Christian Studies. In 1982, he co-founded the Christian International Scholarship Foundation, which funds the advanced theological education of Christian leaders from the majority world, including executives of relief organizations, college and seminary faculty, and denomination presidents. He has worked closely with John Stott Ministries, which provides books, scholarships, and seminars for majority world pastors. He is a senior fellow at International Justice Mission. 
Mark’s books include Called: The Crisis and Promise of Following Jesus Today, The Dangerous Act of Loving Your Neighbor:Seeing Others Through the Eyes of Jesus and The Dangerous Act of Worship: Living God's Call to Justice.

Click here to register for this one-time presentation. 
Registration deadline: March 9, 2015

HONOLULU Preconference sessions are part of the HONOLULU Conference, produced annually by Hawaiian Islands Ministries (HIM). Preconference sessions are not included in regular full-time HONOLULU Conference tickets and require separate registration.

For more information about the HONOLULU Conference or HIM visit us online at himonline.org