The Wind Is Coming: Prophetic Word of Revival in Hawaii

Pete Greig shares a Prophecy for Hawaii at HIM 2016:

When I was praying for your time in Hawaii earlier I was “in the spirit” and God showed me Hawaii. He kept saying “the wind is coming”. It is offshore at the moment but he kept saying , “it's coming. soon”.

He told me that they are beginning to see a change in the atmosphere, but more is coming. Listen for it, look for it. Be ready. This isn't going to be business as usual. The old ways of doing things won't work in the season He is ushering in. It is going to be counter intuitive in nature. He said to me that slogans, marketing campaigns and slicker events aren’t the vessels He is looking to use.

What He is wanting to do is so much bigger, and the key to unlocking it will be unceasing prayer. I cannot underline how significant and important this is. He said “Give me no rest! Keep asking, keep seeking, keep knocking." As He said that I could hear prayer rising and getting louder and under until it was as if where I was began to shake because of the sheer force of the prayer. 

 One of the authenticators of what He is going to do will involve a revival amongst the indigenous people. Another will be a move of prayer that crosses cultural, social and economic boundaries. It was as if the prayer drew the wind, and then the wind fueled the prayer in a kind of virtuous cycle.

 He is going to stir the hearts of people with a longing to be with Him in a way He hasn’t for generations. A third authenticator is going to be a significant move of God amongst young people. (He showed me hundreds of young people weeping in His presence as they encountered His goodness.

24 responses
I've had a dream or maybe more like a vision for several nights and this is what I was like I was being lifted upwards by a very strong burst of wind and I saw people I don't know and I had my ukulele and I was playing music and I saw my husband who was like caught up with his own thoughts and it was like everybody was into their own thoughts too. We were like as a huge group being lifted up together. I woke up and asked God for clarity and I shared this with my Pastor last week before coming to HIM CONFERENCE because I had this same dream like 3 nights and he advised me to continue in prayer. I found my clarity tonite. Praise God and mahalo HIM for your wonderful guest speaker Pete Grieg (God bless you too) Aloha
Pray unceasingly, and Amen!
May God’s power fall mightily on Hawaii and from her to all parts of the world!!!! Praying with you to that end!!! Normajean
I have been in services where God's glorious presence was so powerful the entire congregation fell to their faces and lingered for hours before the Lord. What a joy to hear God's heart for the Hawaiian people, it's multiculturalism, and our youth. May we be obedient in unceasing prayer. "Come Holy Spirit in a mighty wind for God's glory alone!"
Yes Lord, Let it be, AMEN
Waianae very strong gust of Winds, and blowing & spreading out to southern Oahu, and wild whirls, /w rain. Lots (island people's) "Just out of blue", WINDS OF REVIAL, Prayers!.. Hearts 💕 of young capture...
And what of the prophets and indigenous people of these islands who continue to suffer the winds of greed under the guise of the "gospel" brought by Pete Greig's ancestors... Be suspicious of another prophecy coming from afar. God's loving presence has always been here, from the very beginning and always.
Lord God, Blow over us your mighty love!
Aloha ke Akua
It was as if the prayer drew the wind,essay on Greek food at and then the wind fueled the prayer in a kind of virtuous cycle.
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Gods calling me to the islands to be a piece of the winds of his soul that he is bringing. There's a history of the nation of Hawaii becoming to be Christian, much like #1 assignment writer uk mainland USA. God wants his revival and redemption of people. He is a powerful God and will be effective in an extraordinary arousing and restoration in Hawaii that will move into the Mainland.
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