Alpha Journals - A New Kind of Culture

James, 23, runs Alpha with his friends in Sheffield, UK. He is embracing the chance to be a part of a cultural shift in his local community. But where did James’ Alpha journey begin?

At the age of seventeen, James tried Alpha. He had questions about life that he wanted to explore, so his youth worker advised him to give it a go – it felt like a natural step in the right direction. What was unexpected, though, was that his whole family decided to try Alpha too.

‘My family actually decided to do Alpha and it was amazing to see them on this journey as well. For me, personally, it was a useful learning process, and it transformed my family – that’s why I am so passionate about it.’

James’ energy for Alpha has now found an outlet, as he helps to develop new ways of doing Alpha in a city setting. He is excited to be leading the drive to introduce Alpha to a new generation.

‘We are enjoying being brave and taking risks. Running Alpha in the city makes it feel significant. Anyone who makes a loud enough noise can gather a crowd, but there is purpose behind what we are doing – introducing people to Jesus.’ [continue reading here]


Find out more on how you can run an Alpha Course in your church by attending HIM's Alpha Course Conference.

Alpha Course Conference
Friday, August 15 | 6:30 - 9:00 pm
Saturday, August 16 | 8:30 am - 3:00 pm
Register online

LEAD PASTORS COME FREE when you bring at least one other person.
Pastors enter code ALPHA14PAS upon checking out to receive free ticket.

$39 pp Groups 2+ (Lead Pastor in group come FREE. Use code above.)
$99 pp Individual (If coming by yourself)
Fees include all conference materials and meals on Saturday (continental breakfast and lunch). Meals are not included on Friday.